Monday, 31 December 2012

Natural Hair Encouragement For 2013

The trouble with hair is that it is full of surprises. It doesn't matter if your hair is bone straight or extremely kinky. You can walk out of the house with perfectly done hair and return with frizz, reversion, flyaways brought on by static and the list goes on. The elements have a way of affecting our hair and those who are on a hair journey can easily get discouraged. Here are a few tips to help you keep your sanity in the new year.

1. Patience is key: When you're patient with your hair, you will be more gentle with your hair. Take a deep breath and relax before you comb, trim or detangle to avoid unnecessary breakage or hair loss. I know we are pressed for time so definitely consider sticking to two or three last minute "quick fix" hairstyles. Here's one you can try. If you're having hair growth blues, remember that others were there. I actually cut off my relaxed ends in April and was sporting an unflattering Afro. I couldn't even put my hair into a sensible looking ponytail. I managed to get through that awkward growth phase and so can you. Look at how my hair grew between the months of April and December.

2. Service your body first: We invest so much time and money on products and tools that are designed to work best for our hair to achieve certain looks and protect our hair in different weather conditions, but what if we shift our focus to what's going on inside? Our hair is part of the Integumentary system, which is composed of the skin and all of it's appendages (hair and nails). When we are unhealthy, there is a good chance that our Integumentary system is one of the first indicators. Our skin starts to look bad, and our hair and nails begin to break. This can be brought on by stress, disease, dehydration and malnutrition. You can eat three meals with a drink and still be malnourished and dehydrated so be sure to prioritize what you need over what you want. How about we resolve to focus energy into fueling our bodies with the proper nutrients, exercising more, looking at the positive things in life and getting regular check ups? There's nothing wrong with rewarding yourself with unhealthy snacks...just do it in moderation.

3. Moisturize and seal: If you are team kinky curly coily, etc. then this one applies to you. Moisturizing and sealing my hair regularly definitely helped make it softer, pliable and more manageable. Trust me when I say you will have better hair days as time goes on.

I hope this helped. I hope you all have a safe and prosperous new year with better hair days to come.
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