Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Week One: "Know YOUR Hair, Love YOUR Hair" Kickoff

Hey Natural Beauties!

Today kicks off the beginning of the “Know Your Hair, Love Your Hair” challenge. Welcome everyone and thank you for joining! To begin, we encourage you to create a goal that you would like to meet. This goal can be anything - growth retention, combating dryness, using better products/revisiting old products, to lessening heat usage.

This challenge will take place over the course of 12 weeks and at the end, we hope that you would have accomplished your goals or learned something new about yourself and YOUR hair!

If you decide to continue participating we ask that you keep track of your experience through diary entries, pictures, blogging, or vlogging. Remember, we will have group check-ins at the end of weeks 4,8, and 12!

This challenge is meant to be fun, stress-fee, and easy going. With that said, here are the ground rules :)
  • Respect that everyone has different thoughts and ideas.
  • Profanity and inappropriate comments will be deleted. 
  • The way you treat your hair isn't the same way someone else does.
  • Remember that we are here to achieve a goal.
  • All goals are different, but this challenge will be used to bring them together.
  • Most importantly, HAVE FUN

We ask that you complete the following:
1. List your name.
2. Where are your from?
2. Why did you decide to participate in this challenge?
3. What are you hoping to achieve through this challenge/what are your natural hair goals?
4. What does "natural" mean to you?
5. How will you be tracking your progress (leave links to blogs, vlogs, and/or pages if applicable)?

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Curls of Joy 
“Know Your Hair, Love Your Hair” Challenge Registration
April 1-June 23, 2012

Every week during April 1-June 23, 2012, we will discuss some basic natural hair topics with the help of your favorite natural YouTube divas MahagonyCurls, IKnowLee, IslandGurl3601, and Dawn of Nappturalite Radio.You can then do your own additional research and experimentation to apply the principles into your regimen.

We encourage you to create a goal at beginning of this challenge. Goals can range from growth retention, to combating dryness, to using better products, to lessening heat usage, etc. Whether you meet, surpass, or fall short of your goals, the greatest joy is that you are more knowledgeable about YOUR hair and can then keep it healthy and beautiful. Track your progress by keeping a hair diary, taking pictures, blogging, or vlogging. We will have group check-ins at the end of Week Four, Eighth, and Twelve.

To Enter:
  1. Subscribe to Curls of Joy’s Blog: http://curlsofjoy.blogspot.com/
  2. You must sign up on or before March 25, 2011.
  3. Under this blog post, leave your name.
  4. Leave your email address. (optional)
  5. Also, answer the following questions:
    1. Why did you decide to become natural?
    2. How long have you been natural?
  6. At Week Four, Eighth, and Twelve we are going to post blog check-ins where you let us know how your hair journey is going. Active participants will also be entered to win prizes!
* Ground Rules and Goal Setting Will Be Covered During Week 1 /Kickoff*

Week One- Kickoff
Week Two- Anatomy & Science of Hair- Co-Host: Dawn of Nappturalite Radio
Week Three- Vitamins, Lifestyle & Diet
Week Four-Analyze Your Hair- Porosity/Texture/Density/Elasticity/Pattern
Week Five- Ingredients Roll Call- Co-Host: MahoganyCurls
Week Six- Hair Ph Balance
Week Seven- Deep Conditioning + Treatments
Week Eight- Moisture & Sealing- Co-Host: IslandGurl3601
Week Nine- Shedding, Breakage & Length Retention
Week Ten- Hair Regimen
Week Eleven-Styling Methods & Tools- Co-Host: IKnowLee
Week Twelve- Wrap Up & Final Check-in