Saturday, 9 June 2012

Week Eleven: Styling Methods & Tools

Hey Natural Beauties,
We are almost to the end of the challenge and we couldn't forget an important aspect of natural hair, styling methods and tools. For example, your hair will have different results when styled on wet hair vs dry hair. You have to KNOW what result you want, and style your hair accordingly. There is the Denman brush, paddle brush, wide tooth comb, and other tools you can use. The number one tool is of course your fingers. Learning how to style your hair can lessen excess shedding, breakage, and frustration with your hair. And let's face it, rocking a cute style is the ultimate confidence booster!

Our co-host IKnowLee of IKnowLee is here to help!!

How do you style your hair? What tools do you use? What styles would you like to try?


  1. First off let me say I love Iknowlee!! Currently I style my hair using gel because they give me 4 or more day hair. I use a wide tooth comb for my tangles and rake the gel in my hair for even coverage. I would love to try twist outs and braid outs !! Iknowlee twist outs are so pretty but when I one the back was fine but the front was stringy and barely had any body, but Iwill keep trying.

  2. My hair is usually styled in two stand twist. I use a WIDE tooth comb to detangle and elasta qp moisturizer or my ecocustard mix (eco styler gel-olive oil mixed with my Shea butter mix) as my styler. I would love to try styles with flat twist or cornrows, both of these have been very challenging for me but I am determined to learn how to do both.

  3. I have been wearing cornrows in the front and box raids in the back for 3 weeks now, still doing this challenge. I'm thinkiing that I want to continue with the braids for a while.

  4. I usually style my hair in twist outs, braids outs, and wash and go's and buns especially when I want to stretch my hairstyle another day or two before washing. Since it's been so hot outside this summer I've been doing alot of wash and buns, if thats a style lol, and let my hair air dry in a bun. My main styling tool is my hands! I detangle with my fingers and just recently I used a wide tooth comb whereas I haven't in almost a month or so. I did so because I felt my hair was a little tangled than normal and didn't think my fingers were doing the job, I was very careful of course. I would like to do a flexi rod style on wet hair. I will be going to an event soon this month so I will try then & hopefully be able to post my tutorial on my first time doing so on my youtube channel (meem2322), hopefully its not a disaster! I cannot believe this challenge is almost over! :( I was having so much fun

  5. Hi Beauties!!! I love this! I love to do twistouts and wash and gos, sometimes!( I am working on trying to make wash n gos work for me,lol)! I use my fingers to detangle because I follow the CG method! However,I use a comb like once a month if I feel more tangles and snarls than usual! I would love for my wash n gos to come out the bomb!!! Lol! They are just okay to me:-) I would like to try curlformers (which I can not afford,lol,its cool...) And like flexirod sets! Banging knots too :-)Thanx for sharing very good post as usual! I like Iknowlee!!!:-)

  6. I can't stand "styling" my hair, I have young girls and I do enough styling with their hair, by the time I get to my hair, I'm exhausted. After the BC I tried two strand twists, single twists for a day or two but went right back to the mini fro. I’d much rather rock a WnG than spend and hour or two on my hair with twists. BUT on the flipside, I really would like to see my hair after a flat twist out…if that’s how you say it, but I’m not that much of a hair person or stylists...who knows when that will happen. Last week I rocked a two strand twist and tuck, that’s what I called it…probably more of a winter style but I felt it was time for something new (plus I had major energy after working out). It was really cute, that’s what everyone else said, I think they just got tired of the crazy fro…I may try it again tonight…not sure.
    I was excited to see Iknowlee as the guest for the topic this week; she highlighted some very important points. Just to touch on a few, I stay away from heat, I condition, detangle with conditioner probably once a week if not longer, and I love scarves, headbands, flowers and all the other fun hair accessories. As this challenge comes to an end, I want to congratulate all you ladies who have made it this far, who have grown to know and love their hair. AND B I G THANKS to Curls of Joy for allowing us to participate!
    You are welcome to check out my Know your Hair Love your Hair journey at 

    1. Awww thanx sis!!!!! Congrats to you as well Beautiful!!! Happy life journeys!!!!!:-)

  7. I lovvvve styling! Just did my BC though so I need to wait awhile :)

  8. After reading this week's challenge, I attempted the twist out twice, and my results were pretty good considering the fact that I have a TWA. Twist outs is the only styling I've attempted. The only tool I use on my fro is a wide tooth comb, I've tried a brush (while wet of course) and I didn't really like the results, so I stick to the comb and my fingers. I haven't really looked into other styles I can do just yet because of my short hair, but I am patiently waiting for it to grow so that I can explore other styles. I am documenting my progress through this challenge on my blogspot : If anyone would like to check it out.

  9. my basic style has been a flat twist out maybe even fro-hawked for the most part. my main tool i use would have to be my hands and sometimes i will use the denman brush when first styling then days after i use my hand.


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