Sunday, 8 April 2012

Week Two: The Anatomy and Science of Hair

Hey Natural Curlies!

Anyone that values the beauty of healthy hair will and should be interested in this topic. Today we will focus on various aspects about what is growing on your head. In order for us to take good care of our mane, we must know what causes it to grow, what disables it from growing, and what can damage it in the process.

We will focus on hair follicles, what makes up a hair shaft, and come up with several techniques on how to protect all of those things. Here is KimmayTube breaking down the structure of hair so we can ALL understand it.

Sure, every head is not the same, but the goal of retaining a healthy head of hair is universal! Here is some more basic information from another youtuber!

CLICK HERE and HERE for more information on the structure of hair!

Do you think that this information was helpful? Let's talk about it!


  1. Woah I think my mind just exploded lol I love learning how things work, but I've never thought much about the science of hair. I've learned alot thank you very much =)

    1. We are glad you learned a plethora of information.

  2. Thanx for the info. I have a headache!! Lol!

  3. I also just saw Kimmaytube review a new book called "The Science of Black Hair." after seeing her review I purchased a copy for my Kindle app and one of the first chapters is devoted to explaining this same information. Thank you for providing an opportunity through this hair challenge to teach and discuss beyond products and styles. Forums like this play a big part in our black hair movement. Keep them coming!!!

    1. Thanks love! Glad you gained some information

  4. Thank you Kimmyaytube and curls of joy. This was helpful. The links also provided good information. However the first hyperlink "click here" has a non-existent or crashed link

    1. Our apologies. The link is now functional. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

  5. This post was very helpful...during this challenge I desire to learn more about my hair and this totally assisted in understanding my hair and the structure of my hair. Thanks again Curls of Joy!

  6. The two articles were very helpful in explaining the hair. I have pasted them to my journal that I may refer to them during this challange. I really appreciate the info and I thank Kimmaytube and Curl of Joy.

  7. Oh man I have my fill of information for today. I clicked on every link, and every link attached to that link.The videos got me wondering and thirsty for more information. What should have only taken me about 25 minutes turned into three hours. I watched more youtube videos about hair, I rewatched some of MahoganyCurls youtube videos, and some I haven't seen before. I have definitely learned alot today and I am going to take what I know and use it in a manner that helps me to better care for my hair. Thank you so much Kimmaytube and Curls of Joy. I feel that this challenge is really going to help me on my hair journey, and since I am newly curly I have a lot to learn.

    1. Glad you found this all helpful. It will all be worth it.

  8. Yes, this info was very helpful. I actually watched Kimmaytube's video series on the structure of hair & pH balance a couple of months ago, but it was great to get a recap of the information. Starting with the basics and science of hair is definitely a great start for the challenge. Thanks so much!

  9. Thanx For The Info Its Helping Me Learn About The Natural.Me!!! I'm bout To Watch It Again

    1. There is no harm in doing that!

  10. Great information I'm so happy I decided to join this hair challenge. I love learning new things about my hair. Thanks Kimmaytube and Curls of Joy.

  11. I think this is great. I think that in order to take care of something properly, you have to know about what makes it the way it is (biology nerd here) so this is really useful information for all of us who want to learn how to take care of our natural hair.

  12. Week Two: The Anatomy and Science of My Hair

    What a great way to start Week Two of the challenge by learning the anatomy and science of MY HAIR. I am a visual learner so the Kimmytube video series on the Structure of Hair was more than amazing.
    I found myself viewing one video after another completely enthralled in each instructional video.
    I had no idea how PH affects my hair and the importance of sealing the cuticle. I am working to develop a Kimmytube inspired hair regiment .

    Check out my new healthy hair regiment at my blogspot:

    1. Checking out the blog now :) Glad you are inspired to create a healthy regimen.

  13. Love! Love! Love!

    I always wondered why chemo patients experienced losing their hair. Make sense: Chemo kills rapid growing cells.

    I enjoy learning the details that we over look some times.

    Thanks chica!!!

    1. Your always welcome love. Thanks for reading :)

  14. Hi ladies:-) When I first saw Kimmaytube's breakdown of out hair,I was in awe!!! Only God could create such. So,I showed my daughter and she was in awe as well! We love visual content:-) The reminder and repeat for me was very beneficial:-)

    1. We are glad you found benefits in this recap.

  15. This was informative, thanks. I've just got to retain this information as I make decisions about my hair.

  16. So much information. I never new that hair was so technical. Makes me want to look more into. Thanks.

    1. Yes, hair is as technical as it gets. Have fun learning more about your hair.

  17. I love Kimmaytube... Her site was what made me fully make up my mind to grow healthier longer hair. The link above actually had me thinking... The first fact where she mentioned that the follicles are predetermined and also that when a spot is bald that means that the follicles are dead. I have to disagree with that. Reason being is I have had a ball spot on the back right side of my head since high school. Once I decided to go natural and I found myself massaging my scalp more that hair began to grow,its not as thick as the rest but it's coming back.....

    1. See, you always have to take what ANYONE says with a grain of salt and find out what works for YOU. We are glad that you figured that out early on :)

  18. Awesome short education of the hair! Thanks!

  19. Great imformation. Keep it coming!! :)

    1. We intend to!! Thanks for your participation.

    2. I have enjoyed the info that you ladies have given us so far. It is good to know and practice... Take those vitamins!!! :)
      This weeks YouTube info on Porosity was really good for me. I have heard. The word however, I have not taken the time to research it. The YouTube with Denimpixie was really informative. Thanx!
      Check me out at
      I'm not a blogger so my blogs my be lame... :)

  20. Great way to kick it off!! I was so surprised about the chemo therapy patients! It makes sense now!! I was so intrigued about how the hair grows and all that good stuff!!! I took notes on this in my healthy hair care notebook. It was that good!!


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